Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday April19th

WOW I sit here at worka dn look out the door (what little sight I have out the door) it almost looked like it was night time out,,,,was very dark and cloudy..This weather is miserable..I needd warmth and sunlight..

When I left home this morning I left corned beef and cabbage cooking in the crock pot, John likes it so I fixed it for him,,,I am sure our house will smell just lovely when I get hoem from work..Not so sure if I like the stuff or not, I guess if I would have used fresh corned beef and not canned, that it would have looked better, but I felt like I was adding 2 cans of dog food to it....YUk!!!!!! I will most definetly be eating something else..

I just ordered enough COtlin to finish the top that I am knitting..At least I hope it is enough, I sure did have a hard time finding it, but Ravelry came through for me...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday April18

WOW What a dreary day here in the Country in Napoleon!!!!! It has been so windy and Rainy forever,,,,I'm wondering if Spring will ever be here??

I am knitting this great little top from Vogue Knitting and of course, do I have enough Yarn????? NOOOOOOOOOO! So I had to find it on Ravelry and low and behold I have found it, you would think with all of my stash that I would definetly have enough...

Work is slow today...but only a couple more hours to go and then I will go home to John and the puppy Bradley!!!!!

Thursday is Cayden ( my Grandsons Bday)..He will be 7, WOW I remember the day he was born, what a big boy he has become..I really need to post some pics of him...His Dad went Turkey hunting this morning and got one, Now they have it in the Crock pot at home..Not sure if I would want to eat it being that fresh, would probably gross me out when I saw it, better just stick with the frozen ones from the store....

Ok gotta buzz for now....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

happyknittygal: Country Life

happyknittygal: Country Life

Country Life

I really am going to try and keep up with this site, it has been along time and alot has happened, First of all I have become a Grandmother for the fifth and sixth time, I moved from the Big city of Cleveland to the little city of Napoleon, and most of all importance I have become engaged to the most wonderful man ever!!!!! I had been alone for so long and WaLa along comes John!!!!!!

I have finally picked up my knitting needles and I think I have found my MOJO again!! It is about time, although I have had a really hard time out here in the Country finding a knitting group, I am still looking and still hopeful though!!!!

The winter is over ( I think) summer may be knocking soon on our doors, I am so glad, it has been such a rough winter.. My Grandsons 7th Bday is next week, it is hard to believe that Cayden will be 7, where has the time gone??? He has become such a big guy!!! well this is it for now...Enjoy the reading